3/07/2009 10:02:00 PM
Screenshot Site Number of Claimed In-hack
Ardhi Suryadhi - detikinet
Jakarta - Site strategic government reported attacked by cracker, the security system that is easy to hacking. This time the victim is a tax site.
This action was reported by one of the readers detikINET, Asep Saefullah. In electronic mail, Asep provide the URL address of the screenshots that have been http://pajak.go.id/ randomized by hackers.
Indeed it is only a screenshot, so that the validity of action this is also worthy. However, when visiting by detikINET, Sunday (8/3/2009) morning, the site used to be the guidelines of the tax obligation is also not accessible.
Managers confess currently busy to do routine maintenance on the site, so for the internet users who want to visit any intention must defer.
"Our site is currently in routine maintenance. Thanks for your attention," the sound of the message.
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